In Brazil, Corredor Azul Programme promotes simultaneous actions in August

The Corredor Azul Programme, was officially launched in Brazil on August, the 9th, 2018. Promoted by Wetlands International with the support of DOB Ecology and implemented in the Brazilian Pantanal region by Mupan - Women in Action in the Pantanal, held various simultaneous actions during the month of August. The Launching was attended by more than 80 persons ranging from State and Federal governmental sectors, universities, research groups and NGOs.
Technical meeting: Following the Launching, the Programme held its first technical meeting on the 10th and 11th of August, gathering the consultants responsible for various research fields of the Programme and collaborators, such as the Ministry of Environment. ICMBio and the SESC Pantanal as well as WWF-Brazil. It resulted in mapping of new synergy opportunities and a collaborative environment for knowledge exchange.
Storytelling: The voices and ways of life of local communities living in the Pantanal were capture by writer Regina Rapacci, constituting the first phase of an innitiative to tell the stories of the ancient and delicate interconnection between people and wetlands. This is an empowering process, which brings about the real values and wise uses of natural resources, as well as main challenges of dwellers who try to maintain and pass their knowledge to the next generations, surrounded by the modern world of consumers and the pressures of new forms of occupation at the territories. Between August 19 and 29, together with our field team, the writer contacted and heard stories from riverine, fisherfolk and traditional communities along the Paraguay river at Corumbá, various settlements at Coxim, Sonora and Pedro Gomes, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil.
Kadiwéu participatory management plan:
- Between August 15th and 17th the directors of Mupan, Áurea Garcia, and the coordinator of the Corredor Azul Programme for the Pantanal, Rafaela Nicola have held field visits to the indigenous villages at the Kadiwéu territory, so as to strengthen the contacts with the local leaders and to establish agreements on the next steps for a truly participatory approach. The visits were accompanied by the vice-chief of the Alves de Barros village, Mr Gilberto Pires, who granted the team with innovative perceptions.
- Following the official visits, a field technical visit was held at two Kadiwéu villages, coordinated by Katia Favilla, anthropologist and executive secretary of Rede Cerrado, as part of the initiative for the management plan of the territory and livelihood. A series of workshops were developed to analyze together with the representatives of this indigenous people the potentialities, fragilities and points of improvement of the territory in which they live. This mapping of demands makes it possible to seek actions that will help in the development of indigenous land, aiming environmental conservation and wise use of natural resources.
ICCA Consortium: In Corumbá, between August 22nd and 23rd, Áurea Garcia and Rafaela Nicola met with Carmen Miranda, coordinator for the Amazonian Countries for the ICCA Consortium - Indigenous and Conserved Communities Area. The conservations over follow up efforts for improving ICCAs in Brazil and for enhancing the participation of indigenous and traditional communities from the Pantanal at the Consortium's Initiative.
Wetlands Wealth: Completing August´s activities in Brazil, the Corredor Azul Programme, through Mupan, organized the visit of the English writer Fred Pearce between August 26th and September, the 2nd in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. Thanks to our various partners, from the Federal University of Mato grosso do Sul - UFMS, Research Center of the Pantanal - CPP, National Institute for Wetlands - INAU and SESC Pantanal, Pearce´s visit was enriched by a variety of experiences and contacts. In a few days he managed to see some of the main challenges for the conservation of the Pantanal, experience the wilderness and preserved regions of the Pantanal Ramsar Site and exchange stories with local communities. This is part of a large field survey that will be across wetlands worldwide and will result in a book on Wetlands Wealth, by Wetlands International.